Patrick Henry

Patrick Henry's Speech to the Virginia Convention

The Age of Reason brought about pervasive changes in thought, changes that helped bring about a revolution.  On the road to the Revolutionary War, Patrick Henry gave his Speech to the Virginia Convention, an oration that spurred his contemporaries to act.

With this in mind, as a class, we need to identify and analyze the rhetorical techniques Henry used to persuade the delegation.  Therefore your job is to:

1.  Identify 2 different quotes that correlate with a particular rhetorical technique; identify the technique; deeply analyze the power of such purposeful language
2.  Respond to one other classmate, adding to, questioning, or identifying another technique that may be used in correlation with their chosen quotes.

Consider the following possible techniques:  figurative language, allusion, rhetorical questions, repetition, ethos, logos, pathos, syntax

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